Are you interested in working with the Windows Server? Then the Microsoft MCSA certification is best for you. uCertify brings you the Configuring Advanced Windows Server 2012 R2 Services course and performance-based labs for the 70-412 certification exam. Performance-based labs simulate real-world, hardware, software & command line interface environments and can be mapped to any text-book, course & training. The MCSA 70-412 complete cert guide covers all the objectives of the 70-412 exam and includes topics such as configure and manage high availability, configure file and storage solutions, implement business continuity and disaster recovery, configure advanced network services, and much more. The MCSA 70-412 cert guide offers live-labs as an add-on component to strengthen your learning. Live-lab is a real computer equipment, networked together and conveniently accessible over the Internet using virtualization. You can take them to learn the concepts in a better way.

Here are the skills that you will learn in the Microsoft MCSA 70-412 cert guide:
- Installing BranchCache
- Creating a DHCPv6 Scope
- Backing up Active Directory
- Creating an IPv4 Superscope
- Creating a New Multicast Scope
- Installing Windows Server Backup
- Configuring a shadow copy on a volume
- Installing the Failover Clustering feature
- Creating a Network Load Balancing cluster
- Running the Validate a Configuration wizard
- Enabling auditing of Active Directory objects
The Microsoft MCSA 70-412 course comes with the following features:
- 7+ Lessons
- 86+ Quizzes
- 17+ Live-labs
- 60+ Exercises
- 144+ Flashcards
- 2+ Full-length Tests
- 56+ Per-assessments
- 51+ Post Assessments
- 32+ Performance-based Labs
About Exam
Microsoft MCSA 70-412 exam is a part of Microsoft MCSE: Server Infrastructure certification. This certification is targeted at network or computer systems administrator or a computer support specialist. The Microsoft MCSA Windows Server 2012 Training introduces users to various new capabilities in storage, networking, virtualization, VDI, information access, protection. Passing this exam validates your ability to perform the advanced configuring tasks required to deploy, manage, and maintain a Windows Server 2012 infrastructure, such as fault tolerance, certificate services, and identity federation.
So, start preparing for the Microsoft MCSA 70-412 exam with the uCertify study guide. The study guide teaches you all the necessary concepts needed for passing the cert exam.